A Transsexuals view on life

This blog contains ideas, issues and concerns of a male to female transsexual. It is a part of the public forum.

Sunday, November 23, 2003

The San Francisco police department has finally started to address the problems of abuse against transsexuals. They are rewriting their policies. They are training officers.
BUT REMEMBER the SFPD are still killers.
Over 50% of all hate crimes in SF are committed by the police.

The prisons are becoming third world.
People are abused, starved, tortured and sexually abused in our jails.
Miami, San Francisco and Los Angeles jails are just some of the enemies.
This has got to stop or it will not be safe for our children.
My parents let our country become the way it is now.
So do the right thing and stop the violence in our jails and prisons.

When my momma concieved me she did not want me to get tortured by men.
She wanted me to live in Peace.
Should we repeat the past?
Is it time for a ____________?(CW)

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Alert Alert Alert......

If you are Transsexual and live in San Francisco.

Arm yourselves.
Question all police stops. But do not threaten them or lunge at them unless your are ready to die. Request Chief Fagan for all questions concerning the SFPD.
Question all decisions by city agencies.
Question all decisions by the Justice system.
Question all self help organizations.
Question all abnormal housing arrangements.
Question all strange occurrences at jobs.

If you get locked up.
Question the strip searches.
Question the quality of the food.
Question the lack of medication.

In another words...San Francisco is a war zone for the transsexual/transgender community.

The City of San Francisco is committing human rights abuses against Transsexuals/Transgenders.

In February of 2001. I was locked up in San Francisco jail.
I was strip searched, starved and put in a cold room.
Alert Alert Alert to all transsexuals who want to come to San Francisco, California.
Stay AWAY from here.
If you do come--be prepared for disease, abuse, torture and maybe even death.

I complained to the government after it happened. It got squashed.
I complained to the ACLU they never returned my calls.
I complained to the Office of Citizen Complaints they told me I was treated normally.
I called lawyers they never returned my calls.

This community sucks and there are safer places to go.

Los Angeles, Seattlle, Portland, New York, Chicago, Minnesota, San Diego, Sacramento, Atlanta.
Anywhere but here in San Francisco and the surrounding Bay Area.

My lover, who is transsexual, complained that I did not put her in my blog. Well here goes lover.
Two years ago we got into a heated argument, she was throwing my property into the hallway and I was screaming, so I called the police. Minutes after their arrival I was put in handcuffs. Minutes after the handcuffs a ________ put his fingers up my ass. Minutes after that I was in torture chamber or what California calls it a cold room. I hallucinated cried and thought I was gonna die (do you know what it is like to feel like your gonna die-ask Jessica Lynch)
I was stripped searched, tortured and starved in San Francisco jail.
By the way I complained but it was squashed by the city governemnt.
Moral of the story.
I love my transsexual girlfriend so much that I stayed with her and am still with her.
I am divorced. I have son out there in the world.
I have saved lives in the US Navy.
I have seen it all.
And after what happened to me in jail I still went back to my transsexual lover.
There has been more love from my transsexal lover than any of those other people.
My transsexual lover is more adventurous than the US Navy.
My transsexual lover is more entertaining than Hollywood films.
My transsexual lover offers more love than my own country.
Conclusion: I love Nadia and for those of you who want to laugh. I would be jealous.

Friday, November 14, 2003

Last night I attended an event that was hosted by Tranny Fest.
First of all I want to thank the people who create film festivals.
The panel I attended last night was fabulous I learned a lot.
It helps me to regain my focus.
I am a transsexual and a filmmaker and a television show producer.
I went to the panel to figure out where the community of transgenders and transsexuals are hurting.
It seems the togetherness thing is a big problem in our community.
Lots of trannies doing stuff but not including the whole community.
I am from the southern US and yes I do have to deal with my racism. And I have. Just watch my show.
However, it seems that other people like to bring up other person's racism but they never deal with their own.
I only counted maybe a handful of African American's in the audience and on the panel.
Inlcuding Miss Major who is one of our demigods. Miss Major is the core of our community and I wish...
Well let me get back to what my point is.
The African American's that were (Miss Major excluded) there only seemed to be superficially reaching out.
Doesn't that reinforce our own prejudices?
If a person is in California and is racist, well the racism will change because there are the most unique and gifted people(all colors, race and ages) here in this state, that should have the rest of our country weeping with worry. The quality of the people will stamp out the bigotry, racism and prejudices.
My point: I pushed aside my racism and prejudices for the sake of my community.
So should everyone else.
Conclusion: You uneducated, brainwashed and ignorant AMERICANS out there bashing and abusing Transsexuals or transgenders WE ARE COMING FOR YOU> BEWARE

Thursday, November 13, 2003

I woke up this morning and heard that Jeb Bush-governor of Florida- claims that the people of San Francisco are an endangered species. With politicians putting thoughts like that out in the world it may be time to repeat the past. CW RW.
I am disgusted with those politicians. Those comments should be a violation of our constitutional rights.
Because if I were to post something on the interent about a politician the cops would be busting down my door.
America does not deserve that kind of disrespect especially from a bunch of Texans.
Texans have nothing to boast.
I also think its time to stop paying taxes to those politicians.
The endangered people in San Franciasco have money that enables this country to run.
Our money keeps the doors open in the White House.
So somebody has to stop the fucked up politicians.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

On November 15 2003 at the Roxie theatre in San Francisco a filmmaker--D. L. Boyer-- will be premiering a film.
This film is called "New Humans".
Tranny Fest is the festival. For more information go to the website www.trannyfest.com.
The film is about the real invasion that took place in Grovers Mill New Jersey.
Was it a radio show ? or Was it a real invasion by the New Humans.
See the film and find out. It shows at 10p.m.
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