A Transsexuals view on life

This blog contains ideas, issues and concerns of a male to female transsexual. It is a part of the public forum.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Lets get something clear !
I DO NOT CARE about Israeli's or Palestinians.
I am an American citizen and I do not care about them.
My community-transgenders- is far more important and threatened than those frickin Israeli's or Palestinians.
Those people will NEVER change. They have alwasy been violent in nature and always will BE violent in nature.
Transgenders have never been violent in nature.
We are just like you and we want to be ourselves.
Please stop wasting my time on lectures about the Israeli's or Palestinians.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

This fuckin War on Terror is getting terrible.
Rumsfeld is blaming a few rogue soldiers while the soldiers are saying they were following orders.
What the fuck gives you stupid old man.
And you fuckin West Virginian who posed. Screw you and that whole fuckin state of WV.
You can tell England was a prison guard or something. Why?
Let me tell you.
When I got locked up once in SF. I was starved, taunted, stripped searched repeatedly, forced to sleep in unsanitary conditions and the cop falsified the police reports from the beginning.
I was stripped searched-Yes a white cops fingers went up my ass-and repeatedly told I did not have any rights.

When we see those reports of the prisoners in Iraq we are seeing first hand what is going on in the prisons in America.

Yes Americans need to realize this now. If your not a criminal the jails and prisons still treat you like shit.
People get locked up for being drunk, using drugs, proctecting themselves etc.
When they get locked up everybody faces torture and abuse so be prepared.

But cop killers and child abusers are roaming this country free to live and do what they have always done.

Wake up Americans! Abuse of prisoners is common place in and outside of America.
This needs to STOP now. I did not want to be abused or stripped searched and when I was a little kid my mom promised me I would never get hurt and I did, by authority figures. Teardrops.............

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