A Transsexuals view on life

This blog contains ideas, issues and concerns of a male to female transsexual. It is a part of the public forum.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

My lover, who is transsexual, complained that I did not put her in my blog. Well here goes lover.
Two years ago we got into a heated argument, she was throwing my property into the hallway and I was screaming, so I called the police. Minutes after their arrival I was put in handcuffs. Minutes after the handcuffs a ________ put his fingers up my ass. Minutes after that I was in torture chamber or what California calls it a cold room. I hallucinated cried and thought I was gonna die (do you know what it is like to feel like your gonna die-ask Jessica Lynch)
I was stripped searched, tortured and starved in San Francisco jail.
By the way I complained but it was squashed by the city governemnt.
Moral of the story.
I love my transsexual girlfriend so much that I stayed with her and am still with her.
I am divorced. I have son out there in the world.
I have saved lives in the US Navy.
I have seen it all.
And after what happened to me in jail I still went back to my transsexual lover.
There has been more love from my transsexal lover than any of those other people.
My transsexual lover is more adventurous than the US Navy.
My transsexual lover is more entertaining than Hollywood films.
My transsexual lover offers more love than my own country.
Conclusion: I love Nadia and for those of you who want to laugh. I would be jealous.
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