A Transsexuals view on life

This blog contains ideas, issues and concerns of a male to female transsexual. It is a part of the public forum.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Something positive has happened.

Please copy and paste this link for more information


Sunday, January 23, 2005

I support pro-choice.

Originally uploaded by sexyts.
Since America is a democracy,
it does not matter who is in charge. The Supreme court, the president, and all religious institutions are not in charge of my life. I make my decisions, I choose what to do with my body.
Fact: Anti-abortion people are religious fanatics.
Fact: Pro-choice people are liberals.
Fact: Religious institutions discriminate and bash transsexuals.
Fact: Liberals accept transsexuals.
Fact: America is a democracy.
Fact: A democracy is run by the people.
Fact: History repeats itself.
Fact: We the people will resist all attempts, by religious institutions, to put America in a conservative tailspin.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

One of Saturns moons is being explored.Titan

Will discrimination
and prejudice exist
when space, the final frontier,
has been explored and
established as other worlds or homes?

Thursday, January 13, 2005

The name game?

From one transsexual to another. Get your names changed legally.

I have learned there are many transsexuals who use their new adopted names in the real world
and do NOT get the name change through the court/legal system.
Remember it is against the law to make false representations of yourself...?

17 U.S.C. section 1301
Whoever knowingly makes a false representation materially affecting the rights obtainable...
shall pay a penalty...and any rights or privileges...shall be forfeited.

This causes many underlying and indirect problems throughout your lives and compromises your credibility.

If a transsexual is not ready to change the name legally then do not sign that name (new adopted name) to any legally binding documents. (unless they are in fact name change forms).

Some common steps are:
Go to your local court house and apply for a name change throught the court system, and then go to your local
Department of Motor Vehicles and change the name on your ID or drivers license.
Go to your bank and then show them your name change paper from the court system, and make sure you go to the
local-friendly-Social Security office and show them the court issued documents for a legal name change.
Don't forget to change it at schools, libraries, and any documents associated with apartment or house rentals.

Peace and Good Luck.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

A typical day for me.

Upfront information.
I am a resident manager at the apartment building I live-in.
I am also a post-op MTF transsexual, and a full time college student.

Went to bed at midnight.
4 a.m. was waken up in the morning by slamming doors and loud conversations in the hallways.
Fell back to sleep.
5 a.m. waken up by a ringing phone( my fault though forgot to turn off phone ringer)
6 a.m. waken again by slamming doors and loud conversations in the hallways.
7 a.m. waken by slamming doors and loud conversations in the hallway.
At 8 a.m. I decided to investigate. Concluded it was a tenant who was drunk and beligerent.
I verbally instructed the tenant he was disturbing the peace of the building.
The tenants response: "I'll blow your head off.
I'll kill you fuckin faggot."
(This man has repeatedly threatened me and chased me down hallways with knives and scissors.)
I called the police. They responded twenty minutes later. After their investigation it was determined I could make a citizens arrest. Done. All before 9 a.m.
Its now 11a.m. and am wondering if this is it...

Is this all the drama I will get for this day or will it get more adventurous?

My days do not seem typical.
Thats why I always say Life as a transsexual is like being on a battlefield.
The enemy is all around me and ready to hurt me in any way they (hatemongers) can.

On the plus side at least I have my lover (and pets) to provide me with the love I need to maintain my sanity.
Yes: Love can alleviate insanity

Update entered 1/6/05:

The rest of that day ended up being peaceful and I was able to take a nap (first nap in a month).
It turns out the tenant committed a hate crime, and hopefully ( up to the D.A.) I can take him to court and get him charged, and proceed with an ev______.

Update 1/15/05
I have to be honest.
There is a hook to this story.
My partner had to call the Human Rights Commision to
help us convince the SFPD to do something about
the tenant who threathened me.
Originally the police officers were not going to give me the time of day.
But they cooperated after the call was made.

I would like to thank the HRC for enabling that call to happen.
Okay tata for now.

update entered 2/2/05
I have already spent two days in court for this man and
there is still NO conviction.
The man is still in jail.
The first day he fired his attorney, and the second day the
judge noticed that the first judge denied his rights by
not giving him the chance to waive his right to a speedy trial.

update: 2/15/05
I will update this accordingly, and for now all I am going to say is that the case has progressed,
and has gone to Superior Court. It will go to trial.
I will enter more later.

The reason I am making this story available on this blog is to document its evolution.
You never know what will happen;
but now that this story is written you will ultimatley know what happened.
My life is like a battlefield, there are mines, bullets, bombs, comrades and THE ENEMY!

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