A Transsexuals view on life

This blog contains ideas, issues and concerns of a male to female transsexual. It is a part of the public forum.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Attention San Franciscans:

Massive delays from one place to the next.
I sware those M subway cars stop more than a car stops for red lights.
All the bumps and grinds and back and forth stuff on the MUNI trains is not normal.
Those trains are unstable pieces of shit.
Be careful and be aware, and hold on.


P.S. sure wish they would privatize.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Tom Waddell clinic in San Francisco is mistreating non-hispanic transsexuals.
I have noticed that the hispanics are always in and out in no time,
I have had the same medical problem for 6 months.
Sure hope I am not dying.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

It happened:
At San Francisco State University when I was exiting a class, a group of four people were standing in the hallway trying to figure out my sex.
"She looks like a man" "IT is a man....hahahaha." In front of hundreds of other students while I was getting ready to use the bathroom.
I am a male to female transsexual and I pass very well and I am not a man. I am a woman.
I am 40 years old and pay a lot of money to go to that school and I have to dodge kids and their ignorance.
Yes I am assuming they were younger than me because mature adults don't act like that unless they are on drugs.

I came to California 8 years ago to change my sex and get an education.
I need the education for employment reasons and to try and stamp out my racism.
But when a group of young black kids are bashing me it sure makes it harder for me to put down my CONFEDERATE Flag.

Do you know what is weirder and smarter:
I hold my African American, Asian, Hispanic and white transsexual friends with the highest regard.
They are on a higher level of consciouness, maturity and just plain smartness than the people who bash me.
I never fly my flag in front any transsexual.
I feel sorry for my African American transsexuals because they must take a beating from their own race.
Asians to.
The only white people who fuck with me are drug addicts, homeless people and cops.

San Francisco State has started a war.
They are not promoting diversity amongst the student body with transgenders.
They usually cater to other races. Hispanic, Asian and Arab.
The Gay boys and the Lesbians are usually to far in the closet to help.
The Queer Alliance at SFState is full of lazy gay boys who want to sit around and look stupid and talk into each others ears....what a waste.

This is a wake up call President Corrigan.
You do your part to get those students educated about my community or you may ulitmately face lawsuits because students in the California University system have sued and they did win. I will not waste time on your so-called formal complaint process.
Those processes are humiliating and fruitless.
IT is YOUR responsibility MR Corrigan to educate the student body and if you think not...well all I have to say is be prepared.

I want my community to know:
I will never be racist toward anybody in my community, but I have to stick up for myself and the only way I know so far is through racism. Its all I know. Its the only education I have.
So far its my only defense

Nobody in my community has taught me how to address minorites when they bash me so I break out my CONF.......... flag.

I wish somone in my community would educate me so when a Black man or an Asian or an Arab does fuck with me the first thing that pops in my mind is NOT the rope.

Peace to my community.

To the black kids who fucked with me. WATCH YOUR BACK.
A racist transsexual is lurking on the campus.

Sunday, March 07, 2004

It is getting tougher to work in the U.S.
Employers are allowed to subject you to constant criticism.
Employers are allowed to tell you you are not working hard enough without financial incentive.
Employers do not have to give you health benefits, even though they subject employees to harsh weather conditions.
Employers do not have to treat their employees with dignity and respect.
Employers will make life so miserable at the job they will force you to quit instead of laying you off.
Employers are allowed to subject their employees to mood swings, blackmail, and sweat shop conditions.

Employees do not have a pot to piss in.

Why? Because most employers in the US are hiring illegal immigrants instead of home grown citizens and this is contributing to another class of citizens.

Poor and unhealthy Americans.

What can be done. Sue, sue, sue. The judges must hear about this.
Our country is headed in the wrong direction.
President Bush would rather take care of illegal immigrants instead of Americans.

One thing will stop the destruction of the United States.

Stop the corruption.
Stop the influx of illegal immigrants.
Stop the outsourcing of our jobs.
Protest Bush and all leaders that cater to the outsourcing of our jobs.

Besides I am not going to give some Pakistany or Indian my credit card info.

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