A Transsexuals view on life

This blog contains ideas, issues and concerns of a male to female transsexual. It is a part of the public forum.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Check this out.
Even Iraqi insurgents are cross dressers... That makes them transgender, so their fight is uhh basically like ours....
If anything maybe we should donate razers so they can get that rid of that ugly stubble.....
Just think if they were on US soil? The federal government would have to give them what they wanted. NOT....
The US Federal government never gives up anything without a fight....

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Monday, November 12, 2007

I support Dog the Bounty Huter aka Duane Chapman.
I don't support his son Chris Tucker.

BUT an issue that needs attention are family dynamics.
I have experienced some cutthroat shit from own family, and they have put me through hell.
I had to move 3000 miles away to get away from the shit my family dishes out.

I have a son, and have paid over 23,000 in child support, BUT I have never seen him.
I've seen pictures, but haven't seen him.

So the bottom line is that families in America are crap.
Fatherless children are everywhere...
Kids that do have fathers are being turned into murderers, or they become cut-throat and hurt everyone in the process.

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Thursday, November 08, 2007

On Wednesday November 7th 2007 the US House of Representatives passed landmark civil rights bill that will give people who are gay, lesbian or bisexual federal protection in the workplace.

However, most people still believe the House vote was largely symbolic because it will undergo severe scrutiny in the Senate and once again President Bush has vowed to veto the legislation.

Politicians have cited many reasons why transgender people were dropped from that bill, and one of those is religion.

Although the US Constitution strictly forbids the church from interfering in State or government affairs they still determine which laws get passed and which laws do not get passed. Dina Boyer a transgender activist says enough is enough. She says we need politicians that know the Constitution and will stand up to the religious right. She also says that it is also un-American or not patriotic to take taxes from people without Representation from the government.

However, Boyer also believes that TG activist need to rethink their strategies and create propaganda that shows the real life day-to-day struggles of the TG community.

"One of those includes the ideas that if you are TG then don't sleep with someone who does not know your true gender."

She says we need activist' that can show the struggles thru video, films, books etc. It is time America takes a look inside our lives. Boyer says America needs to see how we can and will be productive members of society.

Cecilia Chung Deputy Director of the Transgender Law Center, http://www.transgenderlawcenter.org says we need to focus on the people who are not perceived as the Jerry Springer types, and focus on how we can be included in legislation that will protect our civil rights. She also believes that Politicians are always pushing us under the rug, and are neither sympathetic nor empathetic when thinking about the TG community.

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