Why is it that the media makes a circus out of everything?
I took this picture while scoping out a recent immigration rally, and quickly realized that there was more media people there than attendees. You know I attend SFState in the Radio and TV dept., and some of my instructors work in mainstream media, so what has me concerned is their way the right way?
One of my instructors works at KRON4, as an anchor, which happens to be on the brink of failure so should I be taking intructions from these people or continue to use from them what I can and create my own way of informing society of news they can use.
While the media was covering this event drug dealers were in the Tenderloin selling drugs, young girls are being prostituted, and the cops just roll by. (people often ask me what the cops should do about that? I say... just their presence curbs crime)
Personally I am tired of hearing about illegal immigrants. I am tired of hearing about Balco, the cost of gasoline, the border,
Mr Bush and our stinkin government.
We need news we can use.
Sorry the instructor is NOT on the brink of failure. Just KRON4
(KRON 4 is out of money.) Their VJ program is a last ditch attempt at saving money.
Oh yeah another thing I have noticed. Most mainstream media trucks are not labeled or decorated with their station logos. I guess they discovered that stealth is the way to go. (That idea has been stolen from independant
journalists) I often go stealth to cover some events. Its better that way and people are less likely to pose for ya, It is better to shoot people(with cameras) naturally.