I am deeply discouraged.
Bush won another term and there were no riots, very little violence etc.
Americans have become too passive.
Thats why the war!
Thats why the bad economy!
Thats why high gasoline prices!
Thats why hatemongers walk free and the victim suffers!
Thats why police violence is rampant and out of control!
Thats why politicians can get away with murder!
Thats why a citizen cannot rebel or express the grief we feel from the crooked pols.
My child will suffer from religious bigotry and hate.
My child will not be able to grow up without experiencing violence.
I will never truly be happy, which is the fault of a government and politician.
Why did my frickin parents bring me into this world?
I just don't understand.
I really do not want to put up with lies, deceit, poorness, and fuckin religious freaks.
My request from you...
If you do not like the way America is heading then do something about it.
And yes violence can and sometimes does pay.
(Take a look at the police forces. They use violence as an excuse to use a gun.)
Final thought:
....oooops here I am accusing American's of being passive, but I am passive too. Time to change.