Lets get something clear !
I DO NOT CARE about Israeli's or Palestinians.
I am an American citizen and I do not care about them.
My community-transgenders- is far more important and threatened than those frickin Israeli's or Palestinians.
Those people will NEVER change. They have alwasy been violent in nature and always will BE violent in nature.
Transgenders have never been violent in nature.
We are just like you and we want to be ourselves.
Please stop wasting my time on lectures about the Israeli's or Palestinians.
Lets get something clear !
I DO NOT CARE about Israeli's or Palestinians.
I am an American citizen and I do not care about them.
My community-transgenders- is far more important and threatened than those frickin Israeli's or Palestinians.
Those people will NEVER change. They have alwasy been violent in nature and always will BE violent in nature.
Transgenders have never been violent in nature.
We are just like you and we want to be ourselves.
Please stop wasting my time on lectures about the Israeli's or Palestinians.