San Francisco Pride committee ignores complaint.
On June 26, 2006 I sent a letter to the Pride committee complaining about the treatment I got from their media credentialing office. And to date they have not responded to my letter. I have copied the letter in this statement.
This raises some serious concerns. The mission statement for this years' Pride says "educate the world, commemorate our heritage, celebrate our culture, and liberate our people." To liberate means to release someone from a situation that limits freedom of thought or behavior. Denying the appropriate media passes to a person who creates media that educates the world on issues regarding the transgender community has directly limited my ability to educate the world. Not following through with a mission statement is a symptom of bad management. Not serving the community is also a symptom of bad management.
It is my opinion the most effective way to deal with bad management is to speak out, stand your ground, and speak your concerns loudly and clearly. The Pride committee has turned their backs on their own community, and if we value what we have then now is the time to contact the Pride committee and or President and tell them how we feel.
Pride committee contact info:
President: Joey Cain
415 864-3733
I have heard from numerous sources that Pride has gone corporate and most people are not happy with that result. Eventually what may happen is the community will start an alternative Pride thus making the corporate Pride less attractive to locals. At that point the corporate Pride will be an event every San Franciscan will regret, because it takes up so much space. I know at least a hundred parking spaces in the Tenderloin that are sacrificed for the sake of an event. I know lots of locals who are pissed off about losing their parking spaces.
My final question is will Pride become an obstacle in our lives or will it perservere and continue to serve the community?
Story and thoughts by Dina Boyer
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