A Transsexuals view on life

This blog contains ideas, issues and concerns of a male to female transsexual. It is a part of the public forum.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Hey guess what the Pope is dead.
But there will be another one.
This is the third Pope who has died in my lifetime.
Anyhow I am happy he has died because that man was homophobic, a white supremacist, spoiled, and downright out of it.
It took a young boy to change his view of AIDS(whats that tell ya about the church).
He never did anything for women except turn them into religious slaves, AND
HE never reached out to the voiceless.
That man was no good and now he is dead.

Sorry for my sacriligious crap, but once again the religious community or
anyone associated with religion have never treated me as an equal.
I am always getting treated as a second class citizen by the religious
community and eventually it will kick them in the butt.
The abuse of young boys did and so will their treatement of Gay Lesbian and Transgender people.

So in conclusion: Lets sing, Ding dong the witch is dead she's dead she's dead she's dead.
Oh the old man is dead is dead is dead. The wicked witch of the European nation is finally dead.

Oh but wait there will be another one.
Yikes hopefully the next Pope will not be all of the above and actually reach out to the voiceless and forgotten.

Yes this was posted by a MTF transsexual
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