A Transsexuals view on life

This blog contains ideas, issues and concerns of a male to female transsexual. It is a part of the public forum.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

On August 28 2004 I attended The Curiosa festival at SBC park in SF, and I want to say a few things about my experience.

First of all: The Cure(Robert Smith) should be counted as the 10th wonder of the world. The music and the show are an event no one should miss before they die. Its absolutely fabulous and is an absolute privilege to have experienced "The Cure."

And: SBC Park or whatever its name is should be declared the 11th wonder of the world. That park is beautiful and interesting.

And: I went to that concert by myself, and I felt safe and at no time did I feel my life was in danger.

However: I did notice the ladies who sold the Hieneken beer were nice at first but eventually got weird. Naw it wasn't the beer buzz its just when I am drunk I notice more, not less. I guess that's because life as a transsexual in San Francisco is like being on a battlefield you have to keep watching and looking for the enemy 24/7 especially when buzzing from beer, and when sober. I guess I could say transsexuals never get a chance to fully escape reality.

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