Story taken from NBC11 website.
Santa Cruz Mom Questions
Transgender's Death
POSTED: 8:05 am PST January 25, 2007
UPDATED: 8:55 am PST January 25, 2007
The death of a transgender woman in a San Francisco hotel is
raising big questions for her family, according to NBC11.
Daxi Arredondo's family, from Santa Cruz, told NBC11 she was
born male, but lived life as a female.
In November 2006 Arredondo, 35, was found dead in a hotel room
in San Francisco's Tenderloin District.
So far, investigators said they have not declared the death a
Arredando's mother Martha said investigators said her daughter
was seen entering the hotel with a man, who was later seen
leaving alone.
Arredando's mother told NBC11 she has hired a private investigator to help find out what happened.
She said she became suspicious when she saw bruises and cuts on her daughter's body when she identified the
Martha Arredondo said, "I want the truth. I want to know what happened. I want to know where she was, and I
want to outreach to the community. If anybody can help … if anybody has information."
San Francisco police said they are waiting results from the medical examiner.
The medical examiner has not yet determined the cause of death, according to NBC11.
The picture of the hotel is above!
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