A Transsexuals view on life

This blog contains ideas, issues and concerns of a male to female transsexual. It is a part of the public forum.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Islamic and or Arab communities abroad are reacting dramatically to the recent Newsweek article about the desecration of the Koran.
Those communities are using that story to settle their own agenda.

Why do I say that?
I see those communities burning the American flag just about daily, and Americans do not respond by rioting and killing our nieghbors and/or friends.
We just keep putting up with that day after day after day, so it's quite likely that those soldiers in Guatanamo Bay prison/base did in fact mess with their religious document. Its called retribution.
If you can't take it then don't dish it out. Kapiche?

This is another serious comment: don't fuck with us and we won't fuck with you.
Stop suicide bombings, insurgent attacks, and abuse to your women and Peace will be with you.

Ain't that great I am such a ranter.
But I do mean it about the U.S. flag thing stop burning it or we will _________ your Koran. (This is the redneck in me.)

And now a comment about Newsweek.
I believe Newsweek is a bit biased and cheesy in its storys, BUT I support the use of a single anonymous source.
I am a News geek and can say I never read Newsweek, but again I believe they did not error in the publication of that story.

Think about this:
If the source was not anonymous then he may not be safe. So the more mysterious the better.

I used to be in the US Navy and I admit the military is sometimes inhumane and arrogant,
but WAR IS HELL and the enemy struck us first.
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