A Transsexuals view on life

This blog contains ideas, issues and concerns of a male to female transsexual. It is a part of the public forum.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

I mentioned the fact that its nice being a transsexual in school because nobody sits next to me; However there are some bad points about being a transsexual in a State University in San Francisco.
One is: I have nobody to help me with my school work.
Two is: I can't hang out with anybody while I am alone at school.
Three is: There are no other transsexuals who are at the University to confide in or to hang out with.

Isn't this a failure on the schools behalf?

Or is the fact that transsexuals are never going to be taken seriously.

If so then wake up world we are here and we aren't going anywhere.

To the University. How come there are no transsexuals at your school for me to confide in.
The Hispanics have people, the african americans have people to confide in as well as the Asians
and the Lesbians and the Gays all have people to relate to and confide in.
BUT NOT TRANSSEXUALS. After all this is San Francisco.
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